Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Accident

I planned a 9-10 mile run for Saturday morning...the 9 mile route starts and ends at my park, leaving me with the option of cranking out the additional mile to make it 10 through the park itself.

It was cold and windy, but I was feeling great. The route cuts through a couple miles of country roads and then loops through a ginormous neighborhood. I had all my turns written down on a Post-It that I stuck inside my jacket (because I'm pleasantly neurotic)...

...but that didn't matter.

I must have turned right instead of turning left and accidentally did a giant loop, returning me to the exact place I had entered the neighborhood some 40 minutes earlier. Crap.

I decided to head back the way I came instead of chugging through the neighborhood AGAIN.

In the end, I ran 11 miles instead of 9. The good news is I felt fantastic. The GOOD-ER NEWS is I ran 11 miles in 1:53:00, which is pretty darn close to my time for my 10 miler on New Year's Day. Progress!

Oh, I didn't have to worry about the monster hill after all...after getting lost and doubling back, I never got to it. I win.


  1. Congrats, what a great mistake!!!

  2. awesome jobbb :) you rock girly

  3. Wow Great job! And great time with such improvement!!! :)

    Yea, target lame.... esp. their new return policy!!!
