Thursday, March 12, 2009

On, On U of K!

If my Cats win today, I'm taking it to the street and running 6 miles outside (preferred course of action).

If they lose, I'm punishing myself on a treadmill tonight for 3 miles. The most dreaded distance.


***UPDATE***: Ole Miss: 38, UK: 36 at the half. You don't have to cheer for my Wildcats, but you should cheer against Ole Miss coach Andy Kennedy. Don't keep up with college basketball? Just google "Andy Kennedy cab driver." Yeah, he's a real stand-up (and punch you in the head) guy.

***UPDATE***: Ole Miss: 58, UK 71 CATS WIN, CATS WIN, CATS WIN! Looks like I'm running outside tonight!


  1. Yes!! I tried commenting yesterday and it didnt let me.

    Um we watched college basketball last night fo sho! But not those teams.. our team lost.

    Now its Duke vs. Maryland....

    neither of which we are really fans of

    hope your run was fantastic.. Go Cats!

  2. WOO! i have a UK tshirt :) im hoping that md wins though :)
