Showing posts with label Gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gear. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010


Preeeeetty sure I broke my Garmin.

I accidentally left it on ALL NIGHT and the battery was completely drained. I plugged 'er in to charge and got nuffin. I did the "soft reset" and got her rolling again, but when it stopped working right before my run.

SO. Trying not to panic. Although, running 8 miles without it (just like the old days) felt really good. I finished in 1:15, which is a little slower than usual, but not too far off my goal pace.

Pfft, "goal pace." I mean "don't walk, survive, think of dessert."

Guess I'll be running for duration (40 mins., 1 hour, etc.) until I figure this out.

Oh, and school is about to start again. HIP HIP!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Downside

I swear my KSOs are have some sort freaky hippie voodoo built in...

Shin splints? Gone.

Sore hips? Nope.

Runner's knee? VANQUISHED by the power of barefootin'!

They have also encouraged me to get as much trail running in as I can because running down a muddy, root riddled trail is a BLAST in the Fivefingers.

Today I came across three bunny rabbits on the trail and they didn't even bat a furry eyelash at me. It's like they could sense my good barefoot vibes! (Or they thought I was just a harmless vagrant wandering the forest...either way).

So...what is the downside?

I took off the nail polish from my toenails and they are straight up NASTY. They don't hurt, but they sure look like they should.

No pictures of the uggle toes, sorry folks. It's too soon after lunch for that.

In other news...I finished my first ever case brief for law school orientation! And when I reread my work I noticed I typed "TRAIL court" instead of "TRIAL court" at least 7 times.

The freaky hippie voodoo is seeping into mah brainz!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Feet

I took the plunge..

And bought a pair of Vibram Fivefingers KSOs.

Let's get the FAQs out of the way...

- Yes, I run in these.
- Yes, I can run on the road and gravel.
- Yes, I can run for "long" distances.
- No, they aren't water shoes (but they can be).
- No, they don't slow me down.

The Fivefingers replicate the sensation of barefoot running and allow the body to run as biomechanically "correct" as possible.

Ever since I started wearing my KSOs, my runner's knee pain has completely subsided. I also feel "lighter" without my Brooks weighing me down.

It takes a couple of runs to toughen up your feet (heels especially), but I'll take a couple of blisters over knee or hip pain any day.

Trail running is especially exciting in these babies...they let your toes grip on the roots and rocks as you hop through the woods.

I know that most runners I encounter think I'm nuts, but hey-- to each his own. I just call them Hybrids for my feet.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I really want a pair of these babies:

Barefoot running = less running related injuries.

Something to think about for all you runners out there suffering from ITBS and the like.

The ultimate question is: do I have the guts to wear these in public?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hey! You there!

I hate double posting, but I had to share some beautiful artwork with the blog world today:

This is my APB to any "lurkers" out there who may be running the Hatfield McCoy Marathon...

If you see me at the start line, on the course, laying on the side of the road...please come say "HI!" to me!

I'm generally pleasant in person and would love to make some new runner friends.

Here's a composite sketch of BB on race day so you can find me:

I call my special marathon outfit "The Johnny Cash." I'll be rocking the visor with my 'fro tied up in double-buns. On a good day it's very Minnie-Mouse; bad day it's Princess Leia.

Anyway, shout me a holler if you see would make my day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mind Boggle

The Five Stages of Pre-Marathon Mind Boggle:

"A marathon? No problem. That won't be hard at all."


"I can always just run the half..."

"Why bother running?"

"I'm running a marathon on Saturday."

I'm definitely a Stage-Fiver at this point.

Right now I'm too caught up in the little details (Which pair of socks should I wear? What kind of bandaids should I pack? How many chicken nuggets can I fit into my mouth afterwards?) to worry about the race itself.

Speaking of mind boggling, my new Garmin is AMAZING. I always knew I was slow, but now I have a tool to tell me just how slow I am!

The heart rate data is especially interesting...after a run I can go back and see why my heart felt like it was about to explode at that hill at mile 2...

...oh, because it almost did! Technology is wonderful.

Friday, June 5, 2009

New Toy

I went a little crazy with the Running Times Calculator...

Potential marathon times based on previous races:

Race / Time = Equivalent Marathon Time / Pace
5k (28:18) = 4:36:41, 10:33/mile
10k (58:38) = 4:35:11, 10:30/mile
10 miler (January- 1:51:36) = 5:16:04, 12:03/mile
10 miler (April-1:40:18) = 4:44:05, 10:50/mile
Half marathon (2:28:07) = 5:10:07, 11:50/mile
20 miler (training run- 3:30:00**) = 4:42:48, 10:47/mile

**I added some extra time to account for the water stops on race day**

Another way to predict your time is to take your 10k and multiply it by 4.65:

58:38 x 4.65 = 4:54:38 marathon (272.6 minutes)

I like what I'm some sub 5:00:00's in there! To set goals or not set goals, that is the question?

And now I have a way to keep track of my pace...


My parent's gave me a brand, spankin' new Garmin Forerunner 305 as an early birthday present...they wanted me to have it for my marathon!

Thanks, Mom and Dad!

I'm going to give it a whirl this afternoon.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Birthday Month

My birthday is in mid-July.

I'm also an only child, so I typically declare ALL of July "Birthday Month."

It's never too early to start up the WISH LIST!

-Garmin Forerunner 305: I've heard great, wonderful, magical things about the 305. I've also heard that the newer 405 version is hard to operate when sweaty. That would be a major problem for me. This bad boy is at the top of the list.

- Gracie Gear Long Tank: I really love the concept of Gracie can never have too many pockets! And the tank doesn't ride up on you while you run, an issue I have with most tank tops.

- Nike Tempo Shorts: MORE! MOOOOOOOOOORE! I have the plain black and the blue/black pair...I love them. Love love love them. They were on "sale" a couple weeks ago and I agonized in the store for an hour on whether to buy another pair or wait to put them on the wish list. It took a great deal of self restraint...but here it is on the list.


I'm going to attempt my first 20-miler this weekend. The forecast looks rainy for Saturday, but Sunday is pretty clear.

I'm strangely calm about it. No sense getting all worked up.

Run until I'm done, that's my plan.

Anyone out there done 20+? As always, I'm open to suggestions!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Happy Friday, y'all!

What better way to celebrate a 100th blog post than to announce marathon plans!

That's right...if the planets align (read: if the race director emails me back and I pony-up an additional $5) I will be running the Hatfield McCoy Marathon on June 13th.

I am currently registered to run the half, but this is a "down home" race and transferring my registration shouldn't be an issue.

I made this decision after searching for marathon training schedules, with the intention of running a marathon in the fall.

But when I looked at the 18 week schedules and cross-referenced my own training for the past couple of months, I discovered that I am right on par with the my training to run my first marathon in 8 weeks.

So, the next eight weeks are going to be interesting.

I have no words to describe how thrilled I am. This is going to be an incredible challenge, but I'm up for it.

Seriously, no words.

Tomorrow I'll hit the ground running with 15 miles, a distance PR for me.


Also, thank you all for the shin splint advice...I'm icing and got some new shoes:

Same as the old ones--Brooks Defyance 2. I didn't want to take a chance. I luuuuurve these shoes.

Today I'm working at home, going to the dentist and watching a documentary on the Iditarod.


Hope you all have a good one!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here Comes the Sun...

Little darling.

I love summer...

I liken that statement to "I hate funerals" because it's like DUH, who doesn't like summer (or who doesn't hate funerals). Anyway, I really really appreciate the summertime.

And summer in the Bluegrass simply swelters. It's divine.

I'm trying to decide on the best running accessory for the summer:



Or Visor?

Everytime I see those ultra-lite meshy Under Armour hats I just swoon. They look so darn crisp. But I'm afraid my head would be unbearably hot and sweaty under a hat.

I used to run with a pair of Hubs' knock-off Oakleys and they were great! But...I am sort of like Gozer the Destroyer when it comes to sunglasses...they have a very short lifespan in my hands.

I used to wear a visor at lacrosse practices (back before we had to wear goggles) and it worked out fine...except...visors always get that grungy, forehead sweat stain that never goes away.

I'd like to hear runners and non-runners opinions on the matter...what works for you all?

Nike Odeon sunglasses with SPEED tint!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

These are a few of my fav-o-rite things...

Recently, my obsession with purses has been replaced by my obsession with running gear. Now instead of splurging on a Coach bag at the outlet mall, I buy running gear en masse!

Poor Hubs. I literally apologize to him for spending all of his hard-earned money every couple of days.

Here's what I can't run without:

I run in Brooks Defyance 2 and I love them...It was the first time I picked out a pair of running shoes for reasons outside of how they looked! They "corrected" my natural pronation that was aggravating my knee and hip, so basically they saved my running-life.

Nike Tempo shorts are my current item-obsession. Built-in liner, key pocket, perfect length = a great pair of running shorts. I never really paid much attention to my shorts until I started to run 4+ miles. Heck, after 1 mile Soffe shorts feel like sand-paper underpants.

Target's C9 Champion Sport Bras are the stuff. I know lots of women struggle with finding the perfect sports bra, but I have had no problems with this brand. Sure, I could spend $40 and get a Nike bra that is moisture wicking AND can brew me coffee, but for the money C9 is in a league of it's own.

Goody No-Slide Headbands are essential pieces in my running arsenal. I have a lot of hair...and it's very curly. XTREME curls. And nothing keeps the frizz at bay like these headbands, which were are available at drug-stores are Targets and Walmarts (oh my).

The Camelbak Charm says: Welcome to the Upper-Echelon of Runner Nerd-dom. I tried a hydration belt at first and it just flat annoyed me to death. I was wary about the Camelbak, but once I tried it out I was hooked. I think this model is 4 lbs. at it's heaviest, but I totally forgot it was there. The pocket it just big enough for a cell phone, car key and some Shot Blox. A must have for long runs.

So...what else is out there?

Specifically, has anyone found a brand/style of shirt or singlet for the upcoming summer months?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Somebody stop me...

I found a website where you can design your own running teeshirts, and I am *thisclose* to ordering one with a Dharma Initiative logo.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Race Shorts

Speed Work Wednesday was...really sweaty! I'm glad it's out of the way.

Thursdays are always 3 "easy" miles plus weights. It's a nice way to decompress and not worry about speed or distance, but DANG sometimes 3 miles HURTS.

After my 13 miler on Saturday (I'm referring to it as my "Almost Mini") I'll be hitting the malls with RCP and CC for some long overdue shopping.

And, naturally, I have some race gear on my list...particularly race shorts. Here are some contenders:

These seem to be pretty popular amongst young, female distance runners. They come in a wide array of colors, including a Live Strong style with a slick yellow stripe on the hem. The Nike website makes me want to spend entire paychecks on running gear.

Reebok Core ShortsI'm a big fan of Reebok's "cold gear" because it's cheaper than Nike, Adidas and Under Armour. These shorts are pretty basic and similar to the Nike's, so they might be the best choice for my first half marathon.

Brooks Element Shorts

Be still my heart...Brooks. They saved me. I couldn't run more than 2 miles without recurring pain in my right knee. And then I started wearing Brooks shoes and no more knee pain. Swooooooon...I just love Brooks. My wallet on the other hand, hates Brooks.

My Cousin (and my running partner for the Derby Mini) found a hot pink tech shirt that reads "Does this shirt make my butt look fast?" which is adorable. But I think "This Might Hurt a Little" is a more accurate choice for a race teeshirt slogan.

Decisions, decisions...I love being a girl.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hi, my name is BB and I'm a big redneck

Nice to meet you.

I just returned from a Daytona 500 party where we bet on everything from the overall winner to the occurrence of caution flags. We also played Nascar Keno, which was such a success that we are already planning the next party for the race Sunday.

And if you care, my babydaddy did not win.

Anyway, while at Walmart on the hunt for the perfect Nascar shirt (read: I am a redneck) I found this:

...which I will be wearing in the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon in April.

Hubs is all "No! You can't wear that! You're going to meet my coworkers!" (his boss is running the race also) and I'm all "But everyone loves Homer!"

And yes, it's cotton and cheap and will make me miserable during the actual race BUT I care more about irony than comfort.

Even with a wiiiiiild Nascar party with wiiiiiiild Nascar snacks, I didn't blow my daily calorie total by that much. Operation Fit-in-Bikini is in full effect: 11 weeks 'til Mexico!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I Drank the Kool-Aid

And bought a hydration belt. It's actually more of a fanny-pack. Either way, I kind of feel like a complete tool when I wear it, but it puts me at ease to have my phone while running down those backroads.

I also got the new Beyonce CD. And the new Britney too. Complete. Tool.

Weekly Wrap Up:
Monday: 4 mi
Tuesday: 3 mi (crosstrain)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Hangover Classic 10 Miler
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5 mi (run/walk/hobble)
Sunday: 3 mi (crosstrain)

Runnin' Song of the Week: "Diva"- Beyonce (if there was any doubt)

Gym/Race Pet Peeve of the Week: The legit speedwalker and the pepaws and memaws who kept passing me (told you I was slow)

Hubs' Inspirational Thought of the Week: "You're about to have, essentially, two hours of personal time...what are you going to do?" (Before the start of the 10 miler)

Monday, December 29, 2008

What Hurts Today - Dec. 23

My right knee:
Same story, different day. It's just punishing me (retroactively) for my long run a couple days ago. I've had much worse.

My left foot:
I've got pretty little blisters on the tippy-top of each of my toes. Thanks, new shoes. Oh, I can't stay mad at you, new shoes! You are so fly-i-i-i-i. I'll even forgive the stylistic misspelling of your name.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas List: Late Entries

Under Armour is the way to my heart:

Not only am I one of the slowest runners on the road, I'm also probably one of the least fashionable. But DANG that jacket is sharp.

And I'd totally pull the socks over my pants.

Hopefully I'll get some new cold gear for Christmas, considering I have that New Year's 10 miler coming up. Oy. It's supposed to warm up in the next week, so I'm optimistic about the weather on race day, but this IS Kentucky...our weather is...erratic.